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Keona's Family Vacation (1 of 4)
Walt Disney World Resort (WDW)
No Walt Disney World Resort option selected
Ask your agent about adding a Walt Disney World Resort visit to your vacation experience.
Disney Cruise Line (DCL)
August 9-12, 2024
2 adults, 2 children
Your Ship:
Disney Wish
Deluxe Oceanview Stateroom
Ports of Call:
Nassau, Bahamas; Disney's Castaway Cay
*Ask your agent about adding ground transportation to your cruise ship, optional premium dining reservations on board, and port adventure reservations.
Your Vacation Cost
Deposit Due:
Balance Due:
$ 5120.
$ 3216.
Don't wait to book!
Travel cost and availability are subject to increase or change without notice. After you book with us, we will periodically monitor prices and apply a price drop or room upgrade if we discover a change in your favor.
Pricing and availability valid as of:
05-21-2024, 12:00pm EST
Did you know?
Upgrade and downgrade options available to more closely match your budget. Ask your agent for details.
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